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Bulut Geçti (türkisch) 11.03.2018

Bulut Gecti`nin 11.03.2018 tarihli pazar günkü yayininda Freiburg`daki  8 mart dünya kadinlar günü eyleminden ve istanbul Taksim`deki 16. Feminist Gece Yürüyüşü`nden haberler ve ses kayitlari ile kisa röportajlara yer verildi.

Unwanted here and there

studio guests

Moussa from Niger, Larry from Nigeria and Moussa from Gambia the potential newcomers in Our Voice were Rufine Songue's guests in Radio Drayeckland's "Our Voice" show. The feeling of frustration after the rejection of their request for...

Anhören · 16:42 Playlist
