Auftakte Spezial - Night Guessts 00:00 - 04:00

Auftakte Spezial - Night Guessts 00:00 - 04:00

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Keine (all rights reserved)

At night the world turns the pages of life - for us, it is a time for stories, music and new ideas. 3 students from Latvia, India and China, who crossed paths in Freiburg, are about to plunge into a four-hour radio improvisation to discuss various parts of life ranging from tea to their impressions of the city after six months of living here, as well as share bits of their favourite music from different parts of the world. In this broadcasting experience, we intend to create a homey “kitchen talk” atmosphere talking about stuff like travel, student life in Freiburg and our interests in a relaxed, semi-structured way. Slices of our lives woven into the fleeting night, eclectic music and great vibe – tune in and guess the show!