"Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz" or the "law on allowances for asylum seekers": What you need to know

What you need to know

People who apply for asylum in Germany. They receive money for accommodation, food and pocket money. The Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act sets the amount of these allowance.  This law critised because asylum seekers receive less money than people who have a residence permit in Germany. The high court have calculated what is called the subsistence minimum. This is the minimum amount of money needed to live with dignity in Germany. This minimum subsistence level is currently 561 euros per month. Asylum seekers, however, only receive 363 euros per month, which is less than this subsistence minimum. Many refugees even less money because instead of money they receive benefits in kind. This means that a certain amount is deducted from the 363 euros for accommodation, food and other things. At the end, they only receive a small amount of pocket money. According to many associations and groups this law is unfair.

Lars from LEA-Watch explains why the law is said to be unfair in this first part of his interview