2 culture research

2 culture research

 where i may >>>how did i get here>>>where  will i going from here



2 culture because she competes with no one ,no one can compete with her.
two cultures time of general calamity and confusion    have ever been productive of the greatest minds ,The purest thunderbolt is the one elicited from the darkest storm,{Caleb colton} The door to opportunity swings on the hinges of opposition.Problems are the price of progress the obstacles of life are intended to Make us better not bitter.If you have a dream without aggravation you don't really have a dream . Have the attitude of Louisa May Alcott".Iam not afraid of storm for Iam learning how to sail My ship".Samwel Lover said circumstances are the rules of the weak".but they are the instruments ​​of wise ".The chinese have this proverb that says ".The gem cannot be polished without frictions nor man      perfection without trials ".It seems that great trials are the necessary preparation for greatnesses.






